Highlights & Lowlights

KDMH (Kyli Does My Hair) @ Salon 225 - East Lansing’s go to for hair color, highlights, and lowlights.


Highlights add lighter tones to darker hair by using a lightener or hair color. Adding highlights is a surefire way to brighten up your hair by adding tone and dimension. If you are looking for a fun change, highlights are an excellent choice.

Foil highlights offer a more dramatic look compared to the hair painting techniques like bablayage. If dramatic color is your things, highlights is a great choice. If you want something that looks more natural, Balayage might be a better option for you.


Lowlights bring darker tones to light hair and add depth to lighter colored hair. Whether you are looking to add more ashy or cool tone strands or a layer of warmth, lowlights are your best option.

Professional lowlights add dark pieces throughout the hair, introducing more contrast. If your hair has been over-highlighted, adding lowlights can dramatically improve your hairs appearance. Lowlights are meant to give hair dimesion by shifting the actual tone of your hair. Opt for a shade or two darker thanyour natural hair to maintain a more natural look.

You can also enhance your lowlights by adding Balayage for an even more natural looking dimension to your hair.


